ajax - PagedList MVC With JQuery UI Autocomplete Causing Error -

i'm trying use jquery ui autocomplete on text box filter through paged list , dynamically update list shows starts value filter. whenever start typing search box following error:

syntax error: unexpected token <

here's controller:

    [httpget]     public actionresult index(string filter, int currentpage = 1)     {         list<string> allemails = null;          if (!string.isnullorempty(filter))         {             allemails = datacontext.emails                 .where(x => x.email.startswith(filter))                 .select(x => x.email)                 .tolist();         }         else         {             allemails = datacontext.emails                 .select(x => x.email)                 .tolist();          }         pagedlist<string> model = new pagedlist<string>(allemails, page, pagesize);         viewbag.emails = allemails.orderby(x => x).skip((page - 1) * pagesize).take(pagesize);         viewbag.filter = filter;         return view(model);     } 

here's view:

 @model pagedlist<string>  @using pagedlist  @using pagedlist.mvc  <div id="paginateddiv">     <table id="pageinatedtable">          <tr>              <th>                  email              </th>          </tr>          @foreach (var item in viewbag.emails)          {               <tr>                  <td>                      @item                  </td>              </tr>          }      </table>       @html.pagedlistpager(model,         (page) => url.action("index", "home", new         {             page,             pagesize = model.pagesize,             filter = viewbag.filter         }),         pagedlistrenderoptions.classicplusfirstandlast)  </div>  @html.textbox("search")    @section scripts  {      <script type="text/javascript">          $(document).ready(function () {               $('#search').autocomplete({                      source: function(request, response)                      {                         $.ajax({                             url: '@url.action("index", "home")',                             datatype: "json",                             contenttype: 'application/json, charset=utf-8',                             data: {                                 filter : $("#search").val(),                                 page : '@model.pagenumber'                             },                              error: function (xhr, status, error) {                                 alert(error);                             }                          })},                       minlength: 1              });           });      </script>   } 

is i'm trying here possible? going wrong way? if need more information let me know.

the ajax function returning html error trying getting parsed function. fail , error out because first character '<'


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