c# - wpf element name as an argument for IValueConverter -

i trying multilingual translation("label or caption") string value given elementname in wpf. example; elementname "txtdescription" ; ivalueconverter implementation return "description" ; language return different translation string(i.e. descripciĆ³n spanish) , translation string text=... of same element.

i new wpf; cant make work. there elegant way similiar manner below.

<textblock name="txtdescription" text="{binding converter={staticresource multilingualconverter} }"</textblock> 

if not simple or requires more code alternative sending "txtdescription" argument multilingualconverter acceptable dont how neither.

definitely, should build localization support in system, better using converter every string.

until today, best solution have found , use this:


give try. luck


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