sbt - How to use single input for multiple dependent input task -

i have issue have been working on 2 days straight no luck. have 2 task, package , deploy both change depending on environment being deployed to. using sbt-native-packager plugin packaging , sbt-deploy-ssh deployment.

my package task gets called inputtask so: bundle "env"

lazy val setenv : def.initialize[inputtask[string]] = def.inputtask {   sbt.def.spacedelimited("<arg>").parsed(0) }  lazy val configure : def.initialize[inputtask[string]] = def.inputtask { val env = setenv.evaluated   writeconfig(env)   env }  lazy val bundle = inputkey[unit]("bundles project specific env") bundle := configure.parsed.flatmap { _ =>   (packagebin in config("universal")).taskvalue }.value 

my deploy task gets called inputtask so: deployto "env"

val deployto = inputkey[unit]("deploys specific env") deployto := def.inputtaskdyn {   val args = sbt.def.spacedelimited("<args>").parsed   deploywithdynamicservers(getservers(args(0))) }.evaluated  def deploywithdynamicservers(servers: seq[string]) = def.taskdyn {   deployssh.totaks(" " + servers.mkstring(" ")) } 

i can run both of these individually, want deploy task dependent on package task. want able run deployto , have supplied env passed package task well.

so far haven't had luck because keep getting "illegal dynamic reference errors" though both package , deploy task def.inputtaksdyn

your case described here.

just add env deployconfigs

deployconfigs ++= seq(     serverconfig("env", "") ) 

add artifact deployartifacts

deployartifacts ++= seq(     artifactssh((packagebin in config("universal")).value, "/tmp/") ) 

and start deploy deployssh.

deployssh yourservername1 yourservername2 ... 


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