c# - QLPreviewController and UIWebView do not display filled PDFs -

i have pdfthat has text boxes in it. program uses xfinium pdf software fill text boxes. when view filled in pdf document shows no data in fields. have tried using qlpreviewcontroller , uiwebview , both not display filled in fields; however, if email document myself , open in adobe dc on ipad data shows correctly. may important note mail app not show pdf correctly filled in. here pdf opened in adobe on ipad enter image description here here pdf opened in uiwebview in app (also shows same way in qlpreviewcontroller enter image description here

pdf forms may bring along appearances or may rely on viewer create appearance value of field.

fairly complete pdf viewers (like adobe reader or foxit) can along both variants well. incomplete viewers, though, many called previewers, require existing appearance , display empty documents forms not bring along appearances.

thus, if want forms visible on incomplete viewers, too, provide appearances.


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