vb.net - Selecting different connection strings for data gridview -

why not straight-forward? have 2 databases contain log-table each. have stored procedure extracts data table. have datagridview on windows form, , drop-down box select connection string respective databases. on selection of conn string, want change datagridview contain log messages in selected database. code:

select case cboconnection.text     case "cp dev"         logconnectionstring = "data source=sambar.gofast.com;initial catalog=cpdev;user id=gofastconfig;password=gofastdev;"      case "cp live"         logconnectionstring = "data source=sambar.gofast.com;initial catalog=cplive;user id=gofastconfig;password=gofastlive;" end select  dim cmd new sqlcommand("dbo.getlogmessages")  using con new sqlconnection(logconnectionstring)     using sda new sqldataadapter()          cmd.connection = con          cmd.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure         sda.selectcommand = cmd         sda.fill(me.customerpulsedbdataset1)         con.close()           gridlog.datasource = me.customerpulsedbdataset1.tables(0)     end using end using 

first, don't see open connection. then, got bit side down...

using con new sqlconnection(logconnectionstring)     con.open()     using cmd new sqlcommand("dbo.getlogmessages", con)         cmd.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure          using da new sqldataadapter(cmd)              ' need clear out old data before reloading if same ds instance used             if me.customerpulsedbdataset1.tables.count > 0                 me.customerpulsedbdataset1.tables.clear()             end if             da.fill(me.customerpulsedbdataset1)         end using        end using     con.close() end using   gridlog.datasource = me.customerpulsedbdataset1.tables(0) 

should work every time


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