java - Trouble with understanding routing priority -

i building sort of discussion board, can ask questions , write answers. ran problem routing , seem understanding them wrong.

i have homepage called index, there can click button "ask question" or button "write answer". each button leads webpage (askquestion.scala.html or writeanswer.scala.html) can write question or answer. after hitting submit come index-page, new question or answer put view. in background, question / answer gets put db.

my routes.conf:

# home page     /                           controllers.application.index()  #questions     /fragestellen               controllers.application.askquestion() post    /                           controllers.application.sendquestion()  #answers     /antwortgeben               controllers.application.writeanswer() post    /                           controllers.application.sendanswer() 

but when enter answer, gets written question-table in db! due fact question-route higher in routing table , therefore seems selected first.

this against understanding of routes, thought route consists of 3-tuple: http-method, request path, call definition ... , call definitions differ (sendquestion() , sendanswer()), correct 1 should used?

why not case?

i've read routing in documentation of play framework , googled, still dont understand.

i aware how fix problem, want understand what's happening here.

fix 1: change this

post    /                           controllers.application.sendanswer() 

to this

post    /antwort                    controllers.application.sendanswer() 

disadvantage: not homepage (index) anymore. seems weird.

fix 2: write combined method sending stuff form index.

disadvantage: want keep methods separate, in order maintain better structure in project. have see if question gets asked or answer written , based on omit 1 of fields or use 1 (answer has questionid-field link answer question).

so, why happening in routes , whats best way deal it?

in play each route combination of route method (get/post) , path (determined static parts , params types) if have 2 routes same type , path only first resolvable, other ignored if you'll use other name of param (but same param type).

in case bar(string bar) method won't resolved ever:

get  /foo/:foo string)  /foo/:bar string) 

the safest way make sure won't mishmash routes using unique paths in sets:

get     /                 controllers.application.index()      /fragestellen     controllers.application.askquestion() post    /fragestellen     controllers.application.sendquestion()      /antwortgeben     controllers.application.writeanswer() post    /antwortgeben     controllers.application.sendanswer() 

finally if want go root page after post can return redirect() instead of ok()


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