c# - Can I use roslyn and the new .net project format to create classes on build? -

i have project using new .net project format (dnx , project.json, using dnvm mono-1.0.0-beta4, want use coreclr once dnu restore working on *nix).

one of common problems have .net/c# desire create code @ compile time. example, have virtual machine, has helper class this:

public static class opcodes {     private readonly static idictionary<byte, opcode> _opcodes;      public static opcode mov { get; private set; }     public static opcode add { get; private set; }     public static opcode sub { get; private set; }      static opcodes() {         // opcode class contains info, e.g., number of arguments         mov = new opcode(0x00, "mov", 2);         add = new opcode(0x01, "add", 0);         sub = new opcode(0x02, "sub", 0);          _opcodes = new dictionary<byte, opcode> {             { mov.code, mov },             { add.code, add },             { sub.code, sub },         };     }      public static opcode get(byte code) {         opcode result;         if(_opcodes.trygetvalue(code, out result)) {             return result;         }         return null;     } } 

as see, there lot of plumbing in there:

  1. a list of opcodes
  2. a static getter each opcode
  3. a way opcode it's binary value

the thing should have create #1, actual meat of application. wrapping in dictionary , creating static getters should done me.

i know "regular" visual studio has t4 templates, these pain run on build , seem tied visual studio , no longer applicable.

is there can do? think can create custom actions in project.json (e.g., dnx . regenopcodes) don't know running here since need invoke roslyn, find list of opcodes (maybe make abstract opcodesbase class), parse it, , generate concrete opcodes class me.

alternatively, create opcodes.xml file , use normal text parsing create .cs it, i'm not sure how i'd configure anytime dnx . run first runs generator , whatever normally.

you can add precompilation step, similar razor precompile views: https://github.com/aspnet/mvc/blob/64e726d2b26422c5452475627e4afaba307edec3/src/microsoft.aspnet.mvc/razorprecompilemodule.cs

here's example: https://github.com/aspnet/dnx/blob/e937e25ab3453ea86bda13c1297c41011dfda9de/ext/compiler/preprocess/internalization.cs

and how hook https://github.com/aspnet/dnx/blob/3d20719b0a985b6960a3f87d9f5f9b6c3f71b7bc/src/microsoft.framework.runtime/project.json#l16-l18


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