javascript - MongoDB : $hour operator does not accept an object as an operand -
i'm experiencing trouble trying hour collection , subtracting 3 hours (gmt-3)
if run [{$match : {'uri' : /fantastic/ } }, { $project: { _id: 0, created_at : 1, date_minus_3 : {$subtract:["$created_at",3*60*60*1000]}, hour_from_original: { $hour: "$created_at" } } } ] )
i get
(...) { "created_at" : isodate("2014-06-03t02:51:42.000z"), "date_minus_3" : isodate("2014-06-02t23:51:42.000z"), "hour_from_original" : 2 }, (...)
but if hour "date_minus_3" [{$match : {'uri' : /fantastic/ } }, { $project: { _id: 0, created_at : 1, date_minus_3 : {$subtract:["$created_at",3*60*60*1000]}, hour_from_original: { $hour: "$created_at" }, hour_from_date_minus_3 : {$hour: {$subtract:["$created_at",3*60*60*1000]}} } } ] )
i error message
error("printing stack trace")@:0 ()@src/mongo/shell/utils.js:37 ([object array])@src/mongo/shell/collection.js:866 @(shell):10 uncaught exception: aggregate failed: { "errmsg" : "exception: $hour operator not accept object operand", "code" : 16021, "ok" : 0 }
can me ?
just have 2 separate $project
pipelines calculate field date minus 3 hours first $project
pipeline stage , next pipeline step applies $hour
operator on new minus 3 hours date.
suppose have following test documents inserted testing purposes:
db.test.insert([ {"created_at" : isodate("2014-06-03t02:51:42.000z")}, {"created_at" : isodate("2014-06-04t11:23:17.000z")} ])
the above aggregation pipeline gives hour part date minus 3 should follow:
db.test.aggregate([ { $project: { _id: 0, created_at : 1, date_minus_3 : {$subtract:["$created_at",3*60*60*1000]}, hour_from_original: { $hour: "$created_at" } } }, { $project: { _id: 0, created_at : 1, date_minus_3 : 1, hour_from_original: 1, hour_from_date_minus_3 : { $hour: "$date_minus_3" } } } ]);
/* 0 */ { "result" : [ { "created_at" : isodate("2014-06-03t02:51:42.000z"), "date_minus_3" : isodate("2014-06-02t23:51:42.000z"), "hour_from_original" : 2, "hour_from_date_minus_3" : 23 }, { "created_at" : isodate("2014-06-04t11:23:17.000z"), "date_minus_3" : isodate("2014-06-04t08:23:17.000z"), "hour_from_original" : 11, "hour_from_date_minus_3" : 8 } ], "ok" : 1 }
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