r - lineprof equivalent for Rcpp -

the lineprof package in r useful profiling parts of function take time , allocate/free memory.

is there lineprof() equivalent rcpp ?

i use std::chrono::steady_clock , such chunk timings out of rcpp function. alternatives? rstudio ide provide here?

to supplement @dirk's answer...

if working on os x, time profiler instrument, part of apple's instruments set of instrumentation tools, excellent sampling profiler.

just fix ideas:

  • a sampling profiler lets answer question, what code paths program spend time executing?

  • a (full) cache profiler lets answer question, which executed code paths in program?

these different questions -- it's possible hottest code paths optimized enough that, though total number of instructions executed in path high, amount of time required execute them might relatively low.

if want use instruments profile c++ code / routines used in r package, easiest way go is:

  1. create target, pointed @ r executable, appropriate command line arguments run whatever functions wish profile:


  1. set command line arguments run code exercise c++ routines -- example, code runs rcpp:::test(), instrument of rcpp test code:


  1. click big red record button, , off go!

i'll leave rest of instructions in understanding instruments + timing profiler google-fu + documentation, (if you're on os x) should aware of tool.


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