java - Android TextToSpeech engine not bound, but not on first run -
i trying write super simple app texttospeech, when button clicked.
i ran app, , on first time, tts worked! (i heard speak). when ran again (and many more time), didn't speak, though code stayed same. tell me how work out?
i guess i'm missing fundamental how tts works, i'd appreciate if explain dummy.
thank much, julius
here's layout file:
<linearlayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:gravity="center"> <linearlayout android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="vertical" /> <button android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:onclick="test1" android:text="test" /> <button android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="open local db" /> <button android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="open global db" /> </linearlayout>
the mainactivity code:
public class mainactivity extends activity {//0 public void test1(view myview) { int e = 1; system.out.println("starting test....."); //step s1=new step(); toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "aaaaaaa", toast.length_short).show(); speaker.speak("aaaaaaaaaa", texttospeech.queue_flush, null); speaker.stop(); speaker.shutdown(); } texttospeech speaker; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {//1 super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); speaker = new texttospeech(getapplicationcontext(), new texttospeech.oninitlistener() {//2 @override public void oninit(int status) {//3 if (status == texttospeech.success) system.out.println("success!!!"); if (status != texttospeech.error) {//4 speaker.setlanguage(; }//4 else { system.out.println("speak err"); } }//3 }//2 ); }//1 @override public void onpause() { if (speaker != null) { speaker.stop(); speaker.shutdown(); } super.onpause(); }//1*/ }//0
and (thanks reading until now...) here's logcat:
05-11 14:57:35.149 30221 30221 art com.mycompany.myapp late-enabling -xcheck:jni 05-11 14:57:35.460 30221 30221 texttospeech com.mycompany.myapp sucessfully bound 05-11 14:57:35.470 30221 30246 d openglrenderer com.mycompany.myapp use egl_swap_behavior_preserved: true 05-11 14:57:35.535 30221 30221 d atlas com.mycompany.myapp validating map... 05-11 14:57:35.639 30221 30246 adreno-egl com.mycompany.myapp <qegldrvapi_eglinitialize:379>: qualcomm build: 01/14/15, ab0075f, id3510ff6dc 05-11 14:57:35.641 30221 30246 openglrenderer com.mycompany.myapp initialized egl, version 1.4 05-11 14:57:35.666 30221 30246 d openglrenderer com.mycompany.myapp enabling debug mode 0 05-11 14:57:35.907 30221 30221 texttospeech com.mycompany.myapp connected componentinfo{} 05-11 14:57:35.918 30221 30268 texttospeech com.mycompany.myapp set connection componentinfo{} 05-11 14:57:35.919 30221 30221 system.out com.mycompany.myapp success!!! 05-11 14:57:36.917 30221 30221 system.out com.mycompany.myapp starting test..... 05-11 14:57:36.985 30221 30246 v renderscript com.mycompany.myapp application requested cpu execution 05-11 14:57:37.005 30221 30246 v renderscript com.mycompany.myapp 0xb4819e00 launching thread(s), cpus 4 05-11 14:57:38.465 30221 30221 w texttospeech com.mycompany.myapp stop failed: not bound tts engine 05-11 14:57:38.465 30221 30221 w texttospeech com.mycompany.myapp shutdown failed: not bound tts engine
thanks again
public void shutdown ()
releases resources used texttospeech engine. practice instance call method in ondestroy() method of activity texttospeech engine can cleanly stopped.reference:
for reason tts works first time, release resources of texttospeech.
you should remove speaker.shutdown();
, put in ondestroy
@override protected void ondestroy() { speaker.shutdown(); super.ondestroy(); }
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