python - Draw same lines drawn on a Tkinter Canvas on an OpenCV image -

using mouse, let user draw random curves on tkinter canvas. these curves drawn short lines between points on mouse moves.

my aim save points used draw lines on canvas , draw same curves using same points on simple opencv window.

the drawing on canvas works perfectly, however, wherever place opencv window never succeed fulfill goal. think problem may in wrong functions call order?

from tkinter import * import numpy np import cv2  class test:    def __init__(self):        self.b1="up"        self.xold=none        self.yold=none        self.liste=[]    def test(self,obj):        self.drawingarea=canvas(obj)        self.drawingarea.pack()         self.drawingarea.bind("<motion>",self.motion)        self.drawingarea.bind("<buttonpress-1>",self.b1down)        self.drawingarea.bind("<buttonrelease-1>",self.b1up)    def b1down(self,event):        self.b1="down"    def b1up(self,event):        self.b1="up"        self.xold=none        self.yold=none    def motion(self,event):        if self.b1=="down":            if self.xold not none , self.yold not none:                event.widget.create_line(self.xold,self.yold,event.x,event.y,fill="red",width=3,smooth=true)            self.xold=event.x            self.yold=event.y            self.liste.append((self.xold,self.yold))    def get_points(self):        in range(len(self.liste)):            print self.liste[i]        return self.liste class maclasse:    def __init__(self):           self.s=600,600,3        self.les_points=[]# empty list,dtype=np.uint8)    def maclasse(self):        cv2.namedwindow("opencv",cv2.window_autosize)        cv2.imshow("opencv",        cv2.waitkey(0)        cv2.destroyallwindows()    def dessiner_lignes(self):        self.voi=test()        self.les_points=self.voi.get_points()        # displays 0        print "number of points: {}".format(len(self.les_points))        in range(len(self.les_points)):            print            if i<len(self.les_points)-1:                print self.les_points[i]                self.first_point=self.les_points[i]                self.second_point=self.les_points[i+1]                cv2.line(,self.first_point,self.second_point,[255,255,255],2)  if __name__=="__main__":    root=tk()    root.wm_title("test")    v=test()    v.test(root)    root.mainloop()    mc=maclasse()    v.get_points() # points here 

you shouldn't create maclasse instance during motion event, since way create new maclasse every time new line drawn. want create 1 maclasse , points test it. therefore, can separate maclasse , test.

you points using

root = tk() v = test() v.test(root) root.mainloop() points = v.get_points() 

this sets test app, , after points have been drawn, uses get_points() points.

then, can set maclasse instance, need way pass points it. sensible way (to me) seems to pass them dessiner_lignes function, since draws lines. if alter dessiner_lignes accepts les_points variable (def dessiner_lignes(self, les_points=[]):), can draw , show image using

mc = maclasse() mc.dessiner_lignes(points) mc.maclasse() 

to separate separately drawn curves, can place (none, none) "coordinate" when mouse button released (so in b1up). in dessiner_lignes check if both coordinates not (none, none) before drawing line segment.

your complete code looks this. note i've removed self les_points, first_point , second_point in dessiner_lignes since used in method, there no need save them class attributes.

from tkinter import * import numpy np import cv2  class test:     def __init__(self):         self.b1="up"         self.xold=none         self.yold=none         self.liste=[]     def test(self,obj):         self.drawingarea=canvas(obj)         self.drawingarea.pack()          self.drawingarea.bind("<motion>",self.motion)         self.drawingarea.bind("<buttonpress-1>",self.b1down)         self.drawingarea.bind("<buttonrelease-1>",self.b1up)     def b1down(self,event):         self.b1="down"     def b1up(self,event):         self.b1="up"         self.xold=none         self.yold=none         self.liste.append((self.xold,self.yold))     def motion(self,event):         if self.b1=="down":             if self.xold not none , self.yold not none:                 event.widget.create_line(self.xold,self.yold,event.x,event.y,fill="red",width=3,smooth=true)             self.xold=event.x             self.yold=event.y             self.liste.append((self.xold,self.yold))     def get_points(self):         #for in range(len(self.liste)):             #print self.liste[i]         return self.liste  class maclasse:     def __init__(self):            self.s=600,600,3,dtype=np.uint8)     def maclasse(self):         cv2.namedwindow("opencv",cv2.window_autosize)         cv2.imshow("opencv",         cv2.waitkey(0)         cv2.destroyallwindows()     def dessiner_lignes(self, les_points=[]):         print "number of points: {}".format(len(les_points))         in range(len(les_points)):             #print             if i<len(les_points)-1:                 #print les_points[i]                 first_point=les_points[i]                 second_point=les_points[i+1]                 if not first_point == (none, none) , not second_point == (none, none):                     cv2.line(,first_point,second_point,[255,255,255],2)  if __name__=="__main__":     root = tk()     root.wm_title("test")     v = test()     v.test(root)     root.mainloop()     points = v.get_points()      mc = maclasse()     mc.dessiner_lignes(points)     mc.maclasse() 


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