Attempting to overcome Android Java jdk limitations -

so i'm trying come android app can read text file of japanese text, , provide insightful information reader vocab , grammar being utilized.

to need japanese morphological analyzer parse non-spaced text individual words.

i found few useful libraries apache :

lucene-analyzers-kuromoji (japanese morphological analyzer)

lucene-analyzers-common (dependant)

lucene-core (dependant)

testing these libraries in empty java project, found these libraries useful , reliable breaking down japanese text. sadly, when tried using them in app, project wouldn't compile, , realized libraries built on java 7u40.$maven2/org.apache.lucene/lucene-analyzers-common/5.0.0/visualization.svg

looking through few posts on stack overflow, consensus seemed solution find library written in java 6 or older.

searching through maven repository, found versions of same libraries tracing way 2012.

checking dependencies on each one, found latest version written java 6 published in april of 2014.$maven2/org.apache.lucene/lucene-analyzers-common/4.7.2/visualization.svg

is method getting around android's jdk 6 limitation? using outdated software built on old versions of java seems rather temporary solution, , don't think method hold long.

as more libraries being written in more modern versions of java, problem should worse.

i haven't heard android switching java 7 or 8 (i'm new android), know if there's more reliable way of approaching problem?

is method getting around android's jdk 6 limitation?

for definition of "good", yes, if runs.

as more libraries being written in more modern versions of java, problem should worse.

only developers taking projects focus on traditional java environments , try using them on android. note lucene not designed used on mobile devices; historically, focus has been on server-side java. if stuff lucene happens work on android, that's great , all, lucene project may or may not have android compatibility high on list of concerns.

android supports development in newer versions of java, in terms of syntax. however, android's class library not same java's class library java se, java ee, etc. has nothing intrinsically java version, though since android released when java 6 current version of java, class library closely resembles java se java 6.

somebody itch scratch conceivably create variant of these libraries match current feature set stick classes exist in android sdk. or, itch scratch more directly implement android-friendly japanese morphological analyzer (and, know, has, have not gone looking one).


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