- For Each Loop Not Accounting for First Datarow -

i looping through data gridview in visual studio, loop works , code pretty want,

my problem seems skip, or not account first row in gridview, have looked online resolve cannot find anything,

i wondering if assistance this...

here code loop:

            'checks flags montor/expiry date set red or green cells         '------------------------------------------------------------------         each row gridviewrow in gridview3.rows             '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------              dim monitorval string = gridview3.datakeys(e.row.rowindex).values("monitor").tostring             if monitorval.contains("yes")                  dim isextention string = gridview3.datakeys(e.row.rowindex).values("filename").tostring                 if isextention = "" or isextention = nothing or isextention = "null"                     'set red                     '--------                     e.row.backcolor = drawing.color.lightpink                 else                     'else green                     '-----------                     e.row.backcolor = drawing.color.lightgreen                 end if              else                 'else green                 '-----------                 e.row.backcolor = drawing.color.lightgreen             end if         next 

i guess "first row in gridview" means header-row of grid. not returned gridview.rows, rows datacontrolrowtype.datarow returned. can in events rowdatabound or rowcreated. suggest use rowdatabound in case:

protected sub gridview3_rowdatabound(sender object, e gridviewroweventargs) handles gridview3.rowdatabound     select case e.row.rowtype         case datacontrolrowtype.header             ' ... '         case datacontrolrowtype.datarow             ' ... '         case datacontrolrowtype.footer             ' ... '     end select end sub 


only rows rowtype property set datacontrolrowtype.datarow stored in rows collection. gridviewrow objects represent header, footer, , pager rows not included in collection.


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