UART on discovery cortex F3 to putty terminal -

/* user code begin 2 */   uint8_t a; /* user code end 2 */  /* user code begin 3 */ /* infinite loop */ while (1) {  } hal_uart_receive(&huart2, &a, 1, 1);   while (a== 'b') {     hal_gpio_togglepin(gpioe, gpio_pin_8);     hal_delay(100);  }    }   /* user code end 3 */ 

used cubemx create project, changed in keil (it piece of that) code send discovery f3 cortex board.

transmitting worked function hal_uart_transmit can see on putty terminal data i've wrote (similar program).

receiving does'nt work... m trying send letter putty, nothing happens.

please help.

once received 'b' remain unchanged till character received. pin toggle every 100 ms. avoid this, before delay insert change a, a=0.


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