multithreading - How to send signal from Singleton thread to another thread (Not singleton) -

i'm facing problem while creating singleton class it's own thread sends signal thread not singleton class.


class consumer : public qthread {     q_object public:     explicit consumer(qobject *parent = 0);     consumer(worker *worker); signals:     void tomessage(const bool& keepcycle); public slots:     void getmessage(const qstring& str); private:     int m_counter; }; 


consumer::consumer(qobject *parent) :     qthread(parent) {     m_counter = 0;     connect(worker::instance(), signal(sendmessage(qstring)), this, slot(getmessage(qstring)));     connect(this, signal(tomessage(bool)), worker::instance(), slot(frommessage(bool)));  }  // get's message singleton thread if counter > 5 sends signal  terminate cycle in singleton thread  void consumer::getmessage(const qstring &str) {     m_counter++;     if(m_counter <= 5) {         qdebug() << "got message " << m_counter << ": " << str << "\n";         return;     }     else {         emit tomessage(false);     } } 

singleton done follows (suspect it's not thread-safe):

template <class t> class singleton {  public:     static t* instance()     {         if(!m_instance) m_instance = new t;         assert(m_instance != null);         return m_instance;     }  protected:     singleton();     ~singleton(); private:     singleton(singleton const&);     singleton& operator=(singleton const&);     static t* m_instance; };  template <class t> t* singleton<t>::m_instance = null; 

and worker singleton class

class worker : public qthread {     q_object public:     explicit worker(qobject *parent = 0);     void run(); signals:     void sendmessage(const qstring& str); public slots:     void frommessage(const bool& keepcycle); private:     volatile bool m_keepcycle; };  typedef singleton<worker> worker; 


worker::worker(qobject *parent) :     qthread(parent) {     m_keepcycle = true; }  void worker::run() {     while(true) {         if(m_keepcycle) {             qstring str = "what's up?";             elworker::instance()->sendmessage(str);         }         else {             qdebug() << "keep alive" << false;             break;         }     }     qdebug() << "value of keepcycle" << m_keepcycle;  }  void worker::frommessage(const bool &keepcycle) {     m_keepcycle = keepcycle;     qdebug() << "\nmessage from: " << keepcycle << "\n"; } 

the main.cpp

consumer consumer; elworker::instance()->start(); consumer.start(); 

can me create thread-safe singleton , send signals between threads?

first of all, highly recommended separate worker it's thread:

class object : public qobject { ... public slots: void onstarted();  // if needed void onfinished(); // if needed ... }; ... mobject = qsharedpointer < object >(new object); mthread = new qthread(this); mobject->movetothread(mthread); connect(mthread, signal(started()), mobject, slot(onstarted()));   // if needed connect(mthread, signal(finished()), mobject, slot(onfinished())); // if needed mthread->start(); 

second of all, there lot of ways of creating singleton. favourite this:

object * obj(qobject *parent = 0) {     static object *mobj = new object(parent);     return mobj; } ... obj(this);        // creating obj()->dostuff(); // using 

now, thread-safety. sending signals thread-safe, unless you're sending pointers or non-constant references. which, according code, not. so, should fine.


actually, didn't how created thread-safe singleton above , i'm sending signal worker consumer not thread itself? – hiken

  1. static values inside of function created , initialized once, first time call obj function mobj created , returned , each other time call it, created mobj returned. also, didn't say, it's thread-safe, said - way better, template one, because:
    1. it simplier
    2. requires less code
    3. works qobject without problems
  2. yes, should send signals worker class, not thread one. qt's has example (the first one, not second one): thing qthread should used - controlling thread's flow. there situations, when need derive qthread , rewrite qthread::run, case isn't 1 of them.


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