c# - how to read text files on android builds for Unity? -

i've been having lot of trouble trying read text files stored in streamingasset folder on android phone when build game .apk file.

i know android have use different path access files using

"jar:file://" + application.datapath + "!/assets" + filename; 

and store www class. have tried many ways nothing seems work me totally lost right now. code looks this:

void awake(){     string filepath = "jar:file://" + application.datapath + "!/assets" + filename;     // reads our text file , stores in array      string[][] level = readfile (filepath); }  // reads our level text file , stores information in jagged array, returns array string[][] readfile(string file){     www loadfile = new www (file);     while (!loadfile.isdone) {}     string text = system.io.file.readalltext(loadfile.text);     string[] lines = regex.split(text, "\r\n");     int rows = lines.length;      string[][] levelbase = new string[rows][];     (int = 0; < lines.length; i++)  {         string[] stringsofline = regex.split(lines[i], " ");         levelbase[i] = stringsofline;     }     return levelbase; } 

you can use streamreader this:

    list<string> lines = new list<string>();     using (streamreader reader = new streamreader("file.txt"))     {         string line;         while ((line = reader.readline()) != null)         {         lines.add(line);          }     } 


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