linked list - Error when declaring variable in C -

i have private node class keeps track of key, value, , next node, linking nodes together.

however, when try declare numitems, , head of list error stating never declared.

    typedef struct nodeobj{        char* key;        char* val;        struct nodeobj* next;      } nodeobj;     typedef nodeobj* node;      node newnode(char* x, char* y){      //makes node n , returns n      // x->key, y->val next->null     }      //the main class     typedef struct listobj{         node head;         int numitems;     } listobj;      list newlist(void){        list l = malloc(sizeof(listobj));        assert(l!=null);        l->head = null;        l->numitems = 0;        return l;     }     //whenever try reference head or numitems errors stating      //that haven't been declared?  

the errors are

 list.c: in function'find':  list.c:59:11: error: 'head' undeclared(first use in function)     node n = head   list.c:60: note: use option -std=c99 or -std=gnu99 compile code 

the same error gets repeated whenever reference numitems or head, , use -std=c99 compile

there several thing might go wrong here.

  1. list l = malloc( sizeof(listobj) ); // should pointer type => list* l = ....

  2. list l , listobj different types writing list* l = malloc( sizeof( listobj ) ) not have desired effet


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