javascript - Easeljs Scrollable Container -

i have easeljs container contains rows of buttons taller height of screen. possible have container scroll (pan) vertically using touch? imagine container width of device , approx .80% height. 10% down top, , in bottom 10% navigation buttons should not scrolled. guess use domelement rest of app has been built using createjs containers only. app pushed out through cordova android , ios devices. ideas please?

here super quick sample of "draggable" canvas, should give ideas. code little old, might out of date latest easeljs version, approach same.

sample code:

dragbox.addeventlistener("mousedown", startdrag); // object listens mouse press function startdrag(event) {     // offset (not shown here, see fiddle)     event.addeventlistener("mousemove", dodrag); } function dodrag(event) {     // reposition content using event.stagex , event.stagey (the new mouse coordinates) } 

here original post: infinite canvas easeljs


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