weed-fs in Linode running master -

i'm using weed-fs 0.7 beta. i'm having issue master server not have free volume servers while have 2 of them. have 2 servers in linode, used 1 of them create master, volume , filer server using command.

./weed server -ip.bind="" -master.port=9333 -volume.port=8080 -volume.max="7" -dir="./data" -master.dir="./master" -filer=true -filer.dir="./filer" 

the 3 systems starts properly. when check master server using command:

curl "http://{ip-address}:9333/dir/status?pretty=y" 

this result:

{   "topology": {     "datacenters": null,     "free": 0,     "max": 0,     "layouts": null   },   "version": "0.70 beta" } 

i can add in file volume server directly using this:

curl -f file=help.txt http://{ip-address}:8080/3,01637037d6 

when attempt add above file, response on console of server:

i0512 08:30:06 20079 store.go:346] volume 3 size 20 exceed limit 0 i0512 08:30:06 20079 store.go:348] error when reporting size: no master node available! 

my best guess somehow master server not seems able detect volume server, while both of them on same server. tried using 2nd server run volume server , point master server's ip address using private ip, not work either. seems volume servers able work without master server.

use -ip="", instead of -ip.bind


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