How to display Unicode  in Coldfusion in a CSS button -

there maybe simple answer can't seem find answer coldfusion. having trouble displaying unicode displays symbols such  shows icon of envelope. many of these symbols shown here

i want display envelope , word "contact me". however, coldfusion complaining semi-colon ";". html encoded in utf-8.

your assistance appreciated. thank you.

edited: have loaded font with:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//"> 

but still not working. test out

<i class="fa fa-envelope-o"></i> 

it displays envelope properly, know have loaded fonts.

i trying put icon/gif of envelope in button this:

<input type="submit" class="button blue" value="contact me"> 

i have tried

<input type="submit" class="button blue" value="&##xf003; contact me"> 

which displayed square box before contact me. code displays blue button word "contact me". this. want icon/gif before word. thought &#xf003; code. if can't maybe can show me how put gif inside css button? not sure if shall add new question?

as per docs ("special characters"):

the double-quotation marks ("), single-quotation mark ('), , number sign (#) characters have special meaning coldfusion. include of them in string, double character; example, use ## represent single # character.


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