debugging - Linking Windows Debugger to Project -

i coded big project runs when open in debug or release mode, when open without debugging (ctrl + f5) crashs. searched long time find heap error, didnt find anything. problem need running .exe of programm, wanted ask if there possibility link windows debugger .exe starts it.

if doesn't crash right away, maybe helps:

  1. you can run executable.
  2. open solution in visual studio. make sure it's same build.
  3. open debug menu , click attach process.
  4. a window open, listing processes running. select executable that's crashing
  5. click debug menu again , select exceptions (ctrl-alt-e)
  6. make sure checkbox "thrown" checked common language runtime exceptions
  7. now crash application.. halt @ line causes it.

also environment directives. #if debug #end if. or #if release kind of stuff. tricked me couple of times too..

good luck. hope helps!


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