comparison - PHP-print the difference in two strings -

i using strcasecmp() compare 2 strings, how print out if there different in string.

for example:

$string1 = "hello world;"; $string2 = "hellow world";  if(strcasecmp($string1, $string2) ==0){      echo $string1;      echo $string2; }else{      echo #the difference; } 

should print out:

";" "hellow" 

you can try this:

<?php $string1 = "hello world;"; $string2 = "hellow world";  /* transform each string character array */ $s1 = str_split($string1); $s2 = str_split($string2);  /* let's print them can see */ print_r($s1); print_r($s2);   /* check if character first string, exists in string 2 */ foreach ($s1 $key1 => $value1) {   if (($key2 = array_search($value1, $s2)) ) { //if character first string, found in second string...    if (strcasecmp($value1, $s2[$key2]) == 0) {  //make sure case matches       unset($s1[$key1]);        //remove matched character first string.       unset($s2[$key2]); //remove matched character second string.     }   } }  /* note because 0 means false, need check  * if characters @ index 0 match or not */ if (strcasecmp($s1[0], $s2[0]) == 0) {   unset($s1[0]);   unset($s2[0]); }  $differences = array_merge($s1, $s2); if ($num_differences = sizeof($differences)) {         echo "found $num_differences differences in 2 strings. are: \n";         print_r($differences); } 

the code above checks see if each character in string 1 exists in string 2. if character exist, remove both arrays, characters not found leftover in each array.


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