JavaScript function is returning NaN -

i have function , supposed return number instead returning nan. here code

function pricecalc(cust, transit, passtype){      var price = 0;     if (passtype === "monthly"){       if (cust === "student" || cust === "elderly"){         price = transit.monthly / 2;       } else if (cust === "transit worker"){         price = 0;       } else {         price = transit.monthly;       }      } else if (passtype === "pre paid"){       if (cust === "transit worker") {         price = infinity;       } else {         value = prompt('how on pass?');         price = parseint(value);       }      }     return price;    }; 

price variable supposed have number value when returned, instance when pass in student cust param, bus transit param(which has monthly attribute 60), , monthly pass type param should return 30, instead nan. i'm running jasmine test on this

describe('the application', function(){   describe('publicprice function', function(){      it('takes in customer status, transit choice, , pass choice calculate price', function(){       expect(app.pricecalc('adult', 'commuter rail', 'monthly')).tobe(80);       expect(app.pricecalc('student', 'commuter rail', 'monthly')).tobe(40);       expect(app.pricecalc('elderly', 'subway', 'monthly')).tobe(35);       expect(app.pricecalc('transit worker', 'bus', 'monthly')).tobe(0);     });   });  }); 

and function part of module if matters

var app = (function(){   var transport = function(mode, monthly, prepaid){     this.mode = mode;     this.monthly = monthly;     this.prepaid = prepaid;   };    var commuterrail = new transport('commuter rail', 80, 5);   var bus = new transport('bus', 60, 2);   var subway = new transport('subway', 70, 3);    var customerstatus = prompt('please enter status. \nadult \nelderly \nstudent \ntransit worker');   var transitinput = prompt('please select method of transport: \ncommuter rail \nbus \nsubway');   var passselection = prompt('please select pass: \nmonthly \nprepaid');    var transitmethod;    if(transitinput === "commuter rail"){     transitmethod = commuterrail;   } else if(transitinput === "bus"){     transitmethod = bus;   } else if (transitinput === "subway"){     transitmethod = subway;   }    console.log(transitmethod);    function pricecalc(cust, transit, passtype){      var price = 0;     if (passtype === "monthly"){       if (cust === "student" || cust === "elderly"){         price = transit.monthly / 2;       } else if (cust === "transit worker"){         price = 0;       } else {         price = transit.monthly;       }      } else if (passtype === "pre paid"){       if (cust === "transit worker") {         price = infinity;       } else {         value = prompt('how on pass?');         price = parseint(value);       }      }     return price;    };    var publicprice = function(customerstatus, transitmethod, passselection){     return pricecalc(customerstatus, transitmethod, passselection);   };    pricecalc(customerstatus, transitmethod, passselection);    return {     // publicprice: publicprice,     pricecalc: pricecalc   };  })(); 

price = transit.monthly / 2;

here telling interpreter use property monthly of object transit. in code transit string transit.monthly evaluates undefined

undefined / 2 evaluates nan

i think mean pass in variable objects created instead of string.


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