ms access - Show value based on selection in combo box vba -

i need show denominations based on selection in combo box in access form.

the tricky thing here need show after selecting in combo box (without saving it). 1 working after save selection.

if cmb_main_impact.value = "productivity" me.txt_units = "minutes" end if  if cmb_main_impact = "quality" me.txt_units = "number of errors" end if 

that code should work fine. want put in combobox on change event.

also added elseif there isnt multiple if , end ifs. put code in in userform has combo box.

so code like.

private sub cmb_main_impact_change()      if cmb_main_impact.value = "productivity"         me.txt_units = "minutes"      elseif cmb_main_impact = "quality"         me.txt_units = "number of errors"     end if  end sub 


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