javascript - ScrollContainer not scrolling -

define(function(require, exports, module){ var view            = require('src/core/view'); var surface         = require('src/core/surface'); var scrollcontainer = require('src/views/scrollcontainer');  function listview(){     view.apply(this, arguments);; }  listview.prototype = object.create(view.prototype); listview.prototype.constructor = listview; listview.default_options = {     data: [] }  function _createcontent(){      var sc = new scrollcontainer();     var sequence = [];      sc.sequencefrom(sequence);      (var = 0; <; i++) {         var surface = new surface({             content:[i].name,             size: [undefined, 40],             properties: {                 borderbottom: '1px solid #000',                 padding: '10px 15px'             }         });         sequence.push(surface);     };      this.add(sc); }  module.exports = listview; }); 

as read title, problem scrollcontainer not scrolling. above code used add scrollable list. module included in pageview. pageview included in mainview has rendercontroller show or hide pages. list showing along data being passed module. problem scrolling. ideas?

the surface needs pipe events scrollcontainer.

    (var = 0; <; i++) {         var surface = new surface({             content:[i].name,             size: [undefined, 40],             properties: {                 borderbottom: '1px solid #000',                 padding: '10px 15px'             }         });         surface.pipe(sc);  // pipe surface events scrollcontainer         sequence.push(surface);     }; 


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