How to get an AudioUnit property value in Xamarin.iOS -

i'm working on audio debug feature , trying audiounit.audiounitpropertyidtype.latency property value of audio unit using xamarin.ios. unfortunately don't see related method retrieve value property value audiounit.getparameter.

though can see , set properties using audiounit.setparameter method.

did miss something?

not answer audiounit has private audiounitsetproperty method exposed setaudioformat, setcurrentdevice , number of other methods, not latency. looks wasn't implemented xamarin. can use reflection ;)

public void setaudioformat(audiostreambasicdescription audioformat, audiounitscopetype scope, uint audiounitelement = 0u) {   int k = audiounit.audiounitsetproperty(this.handle, audiounitpropertyidtype.streamformat, scope, audiounitelement, ref audioformat, (uint) marshal.sizeof<audiostreambasicdescription>(audioformat));   if (k != 0)     throw new audiounitexception(k); } 


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