javascript - play animation on matching pairs in memory game -

i'm creating memory game web assignment @ uni , stuck on how animation playing on match on top of cards match. @ moment, have been able animation play on click of memory_board div, works once.

so question 1 - how animation work every time click on memory_board div.(it works once atm, , have refresh page play again)

my code animation work is:

.sprite {  	width:96px;  	height:96px;  	position: relative;  	margin:15px;  }  .toon{  	background: url(explode.png);  }
<script src=""></script>  <script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.animatesprite.js'></script>  <script>//sparkle effect:  		$(document).ready(function(){  			$("#memory_board").click(function animation(){  				$(".toon").animatesprite({  				   	columns: 10,  				    totalframes: 50,  				    duration: 1000,  				});  			});  		});  	</script>    <body>  <div class = "grid_10">  			<div id="memory_board"></div>  			<script>newboard();</script>  			<div style="position: relative; height: 110px;">  				<div class="sprite toon"></div>  			</div>  		</div>  </body>

question 2 - how place animation on top of each card?

the layout of board float in memory_boarddiv, images in array , called in function tile.innerhtml = '<img src="' + val + '.png"/>';

here full coding board:

div#memory_board{  	background: -webkit-radial-gradient(#fff, #cc99ff); /* safari 5.1 6.0 */      background: -o-radial-gradient(#fff, #cc99ff); /* opera 11.1 12.0 */      background: -moz-radial-gradient(#fff, #cc99ff); /* firefox 3.6 15 */      background: radial-gradient(#fff, #cc99ff); /* standard syntax (must last) */  	border:#ff0066 10px ridge;  	width:510px;  	height:405px;  	padding:24px;    }  div#memory_board > div{  	background:url(tile_background.png) no-repeat;  	border:#000 1px solid;  	width:45px;  	height:45px;  	float:left;  	margin:7px;  	padding:20px;  	cursor:pointer;  	}
<script src=""></script>  <!doctype html>  <html>  <head>  	<title>memory card game</title>  	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />  	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="reset.css" />  	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="text.css" />  	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="960.css" />  	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyles.css" />  	<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>  	<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.animatesprite.js'></script>  <script> // tutorial  		var memory_array = ['a','a','b','b','c','c','d','d','e','e','f','f','g','g','h','h','i','i','j','j'];  		var memory_values = [];  		var memory_tile_ids = [];  		var tiles_flipped = 0;  		var turns = 0  		var matches = 0  		array.prototype.memory_tile_shuffle = function(){  		    var = this.length, j, temp;  		    while(--i > 0){  		        j = math.floor(math.random() * (i+1));  		        temp = this[j];  		        this[j] = this[i];  		        this[i] = temp;  		    }  		}  		function newboard(){  			tiles_flipped = 0;  			var output = '';  		    memory_array.memory_tile_shuffle();  			for(var = 0; < memory_array.length; i++){  				output += '<div id="tile_'+i+'" onclick="memoryfliptile(this,\''+memory_array[i]+'\')"></div>';  			}  			document.getelementbyid('memory_board').innerhtml = output;  			//fade in  			$(document).ready(function () {   				$('#memory_board > div').hide().fadein(1500).delay(6000)  			});  			resettime();  			turns = 0;  			document.getelementbyid('count').innerhtml = 0;  			matches = 0;  			document.getelementbyid('matchnumber').innerhtml = 0;  		}  		  		function memoryfliptile(tile,val){  		starttimer();  		playclick();  		if(tile.innerhtml == "" && memory_values.length < 2){ = '#fff';  		tile.innerhtml = '<img src="' + val + '.png"/>';  		if(memory_values.length == 0){  			memory_values.push(val);  			memory_tile_ids.push(;  		} else if(memory_values.length == 1){  			memory_values.push(val);  			memory_tile_ids.push(;  			if(memory_values[0] == memory_values[1]){  				tiles_flipped += 2;  				//sound  				playmatch();  				//animation    				//number of clicks  				turns = turns + 1;  				document.getelementbyid("count").innerhtml = turns;  				//number of matches  				matches = matches + 1;  				document.getelementbyid("matchnumber").innerhtml = matches;  				// clear both arrays  				memory_values = [];              	memory_tile_ids = [];  				// check see if whole board cleared  				if(tiles_flipped == memory_array.length){  					playend();  					alert.render("congratulations! board cleared");  					//resettime()  					//stopcount();  					document.getelementbyid('memory_board').innerhtml = "";  					newboard();  					  				}  			} else {  				function flipback(){  				    // flip 2 tiles on  				    var tile_1 = document.getelementbyid(memory_tile_ids[0]);  				    var tile_2 = document.getelementbyid(memory_tile_ids[1]); = 'url(tile_background.png) no-repeat';              	    tile_1.innerhtml = ""; = 'url(tile_background.png) no-repeat';              	    tile_2.innerhtml = "";              	    //number of clicks              	    turns = turns + 1;  					document.getelementbyid("count").innerhtml = turns;              	    //clicknumber()  				    // clear both arrays  				    memory_values = [];              	    memory_tile_ids = [];  				}  				settimeout(flipback, 700);  					}  				}  			}  		}  </script>    <body>  <div class = "grid_10">  			<div id="memory_board"></div>  			<script>newboard();</script>  			<div style="position: relative; height: 110px;">  				<div class="sprite toon"></div>  			</div>  		</div>  </body>

question 3 - how play animation on match, on top of cards have matched.

i'm guessing done putting memoryfliptile function under //animation sound , match number change upon match found :

function memoryfliptile(tile,val){  		starttimer();  		playclick();  		if(tile.innerhtml == "" && memory_values.length < 2){ = '#fff';  		tile.innerhtml = '<img src="' + val + '.png"/>';  		if(memory_values.length == 0){  			memory_values.push(val);  			memory_tile_ids.push(;  		} else if(memory_values.length == 1){  			memory_values.push(val);  			memory_tile_ids.push(;  			if(memory_values[0] == memory_values[1]){  				tiles_flipped += 2;  				//sound  				playmatch();  				//animation    				//number of clicks  				turns = turns + 1;  				document.getelementbyid("count").innerhtml = turns;  				//number of matches  				matches = matches + 1;  				document.getelementbyid("matchnumber").innerhtml = matches;  				// clear both arrays  				memory_values = [];              	memory_tile_ids = [];  					  				}

in case these snippets confusing , want whole picture, here full script:

body{  	background:#fff;  	font-family: cooper black;  }  h1{  	font-family: cooper black;  	text-align: center;  	font-size: 64px;  	color: #ff0066;  }  footer{  	height: 150px;  	background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#99ccff, #fff); /* safari 5.1 6.0 */      background: -o-linear-gradient(#99ccff, #fff); /* opera 11.1 12.0 */      background: -moz-linear-gradient(#99ccff, #fff); /* firefox 3.6 15 */  	background: linear-gradient(#99ccff, #fff); /* standard syntax (must last) */  }  div#memory_board{  	background: -webkit-radial-gradient(#fff, #cc99ff); /* safari 5.1 6.0 */      background: -o-radial-gradient(#fff, #cc99ff); /* opera 11.1 12.0 */      background: -moz-radial-gradient(#fff, #cc99ff); /* firefox 3.6 15 */      background: radial-gradient(#fff, #cc99ff); /* standard syntax (must last) */  	border:#ff0066 10px ridge;  	width:510px;  	height:405px;  	padding:24px;    }  div#memory_board > div{  	background:url(tile_background.png) no-repeat;  	border:#000 1px solid;  	width:45px;  	height:45px;  	float:left;  	margin:7px;  	padding:20px;  	cursor:pointer;  	}  alert{  	background: #ff0066;  }    button{  	font-family: cooper black;  	font-size: 20px;  	color: #ff0066;  	background: #5ce62e;  	border: #c2e0ff 2px outset;  	border-radius: 25px;  	padding: 10px;  	cursor: pointer;  }  input#txt{  	background: yellow;  	color: #ff0066;  	font-family: times new roman;  	font-size: 84px;  	height: 150px;  	width: 150px;  	border-radius: 100%;  	text-align: center;  	border: none;  }  input#pause{  	font-family: cooper black;  	font-size: 18px;  	color: #ff0066;  	background: #c2e0ff;  	border: #c2e0ff 2px outset;  	border-radius: 25px;  	padding: 10px;  	cursor: pointer;  	margin-top: 10px;  }  div.goes{  	text-align: center;  	border: #c2e0ff 5px double;  	height: 160px;  	width: 120px;  	margin-top: 48px;  	margin-left: 5px;  }  div.matches{  	text-align: center;  	border: #c2e0ff 5px double;  	height: 160px;  	width: 120px;  	margin-top: 30px;  	margin-left: 10px;  }  p{  	font-size: 28px;  }  span{  	font-family: times new roman;  	font-size: 84px;  }  .sprite {  	width:96px;  	height:96px;  	position: relative;  	margin:15px;  }  .toon{  	background: url(explode.png);  }  }  #dialogoverlay{  	display: none;  	opacity: 0.8;  	position: fixed;  	top: 0px;  	left: 0px;  	background: #fff;  	width: 100%;  	z-index: 10;  }  #dialogbox{  	display: none;  	position: fixed;  	background: #ff0066;  	border-radius:7px;   	width:400px;  	z-index: 10;  }  #dialogbox > div{ background: #fff; margin:8px; }  #dialogbox > div > #dialogboxhead{ background: linear-gradient(#99ccff, #fff); height: 40px; color: #ccc; }  #dialogbox > div > #dialogboxbody{ background: #fff; color: #ff0066; font-size: 36px; text-align:center;}  #dialogbox > div > #dialogboxfoot{ background: linear-gradient(#fff, #99ccff); padding-bottom: 20px; text-align:center; }
<!doctype html>  <html>  <head>  	<title>memory card game</title>  	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />  	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="reset.css" />  	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="text.css" />  	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="960.css" />  	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyles.css" />  	<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>  	<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.animatesprite.js'></script>    	<script> // tutorial  		var memory_array = ['a','a','b','b','c','c','d','d','e','e','f','f','g','g','h','h','i','i','j','j'];  		var memory_values = [];  		var memory_tile_ids = [];  		var tiles_flipped = 0;  		var turns = 0  		var matches = 0  		array.prototype.memory_tile_shuffle = function(){  		    var = this.length, j, temp;  		    while(--i > 0){  		        j = math.floor(math.random() * (i+1));  		        temp = this[j];  		        this[j] = this[i];  		        this[i] = temp;  		    }  		}  		function newboard(){  			tiles_flipped = 0;  			var output = '';  		    memory_array.memory_tile_shuffle();  			for(var = 0; < memory_array.length; i++){  				output += '<div id="tile_'+i+'" onclick="memoryfliptile(this,\''+memory_array[i]+'\')"></div>';  			}  			document.getelementbyid('memory_board').innerhtml = output;  			//fade in  			$(document).ready(function () {   				$('#memory_board > div').hide().fadein(1500).delay(6000)  			});  			resettime();  			turns = 0;  			document.getelementbyid('count').innerhtml = 0;  			matches = 0;  			document.getelementbyid('matchnumber').innerhtml = 0;  		}  		  		function memoryfliptile(tile,val){  		starttimer();  		playclick();  		if(tile.innerhtml == "" && memory_values.length < 2){ = '#fff';  		tile.innerhtml = '<img src="' + val + '.png"/>';  		if(memory_values.length == 0){  			memory_values.push(val);  			memory_tile_ids.push(;  		} else if(memory_values.length == 1){  			memory_values.push(val);  			memory_tile_ids.push(;  			if(memory_values[0] == memory_values[1]){  				tiles_flipped += 2;  				//sound  				playmatch();  				//animation    				//number of clicks  				turns = turns + 1;  				document.getelementbyid("count").innerhtml = turns;  				//number of matches  				matches = matches + 1;  				document.getelementbyid("matchnumber").innerhtml = matches;  				// clear both arrays  				memory_values = [];              	memory_tile_ids = [];  				// check see if whole board cleared  				if(tiles_flipped == memory_array.length){  					playend();  					alert.render("congratulations! board cleared");  					//resettime()  					//stopcount();  					document.getelementbyid('memory_board').innerhtml = "";  					newboard();  					  				}  			} else {  				function flipback(){  				    // flip 2 tiles on  				    var tile_1 = document.getelementbyid(memory_tile_ids[0]);  				    var tile_2 = document.getelementbyid(memory_tile_ids[1]); = 'url(tile_background.png) no-repeat';              	    tile_1.innerhtml = ""; = 'url(tile_background.png) no-repeat';              	    tile_2.innerhtml = "";              	    //number of clicks              	    turns = turns + 1;  					document.getelementbyid("count").innerhtml = turns;              	    //clicknumber()  				    // clear both arrays  				    memory_values = [];              	    memory_tile_ids = [];  				}  				settimeout(flipback, 700);  					}  				}  			}  		}  		//timer  		var c = 0;  		var t;  		var timer_is_on = 0;    		function timedcount() {  		    document.getelementbyid('txt').value = c;  		    c = c+1;  		    t = settimeout(timedcount, 1000);  		}    		function starttimer() {  		    if (!timer_is_on) {  		        timer_is_on = 1;  		        timedcount();  		    }  		}    		function stopcount() {  		    cleartimeout(t);  		    timer_is_on = 0;  		}    		function resettime(){  			cleartimeout(t);  			timer_is_on = 0;  			c = 0  			document.getelementbyid('txt').value = 0  		}  		//sound effects /*sounds*/  		function playclick(){  			var sound=document.getelementbyid("click");;  		}  		function playmatch(){  			var sound=document.getelementbyid("match_sound");;  		}  		function playend(){  			var sound=document.getelementbyid("finished");;  		}    		//custom alert tutorial  		function customalert(){  		    this.render = function(dialog){  		        var winw = window.innerwidth;  		        var winh = window.innerheight;  		        var dialogoverlay = document.getelementbyid('dialogoverlay');  		        var dialogbox = document.getelementbyid('dialogbox');   = "block";   = winh+"px";   = (winw/2) - (400 * .5)+"px";   = "200px";   = "block";  		        document.getelementbyid('dialogboxhead').innerhtml = "";  		        document.getelementbyid('dialogboxbody').innerhtml = dialog;  		        document.getelementbyid('dialogboxfoot').innerhtml = '<button onclick="alert.ok()">new game</button>';  		    }  			this.ok = function(){  				document.getelementbyid('dialogbox').style.display = "none";  				document.getelementbyid('dialogoverlay').style.display = "none";  			}  		}  		var alert = new customalert();    	</script>  	<script>//sparkle effect:  		$(document).ready(function(){  			$("#memory_board").click(function animation(){  				$(".toon").animatesprite({  				   	columns: 10,  				    totalframes: 50,  				    duration: 1000,  				});  			});  		});  	</script>    </head>  <body>  	<audio id = "click" src = "click.mp3" preload = "auto"></audio>  	<audio id = "match_sound" src = "match.mp3" preload = "auto"></audio>  	<audio id = "finished" src = "finished.wav" preload = "auto"></audio>    	<div id = "dialogoverlay"></div>  	<div id = "dialogbox">  		<div>  			<div id = "dialogboxhead"></div>  			<div id = "dialogboxbody"></div>  			<div id = "dialogboxfoot"></div>  		</div>  	</div>    	<div class = "container_16">  		<div id = "banner" class = "grid_16">  			<p><br></p>  			<h1>memory</h1>  		</div>  		<div class = "grid_3">  			<input type="text" id="txt" value="0"/>  			<p><br></p>  			<p><br></p>  			<div class = "goes">  				<p>turns <br><span id = "count">0</span></p>  			</div>  		</div>  		<div class = "grid_10">  			<div id="memory_board"></div>  			<script>newboard();</script>  			<div style="position: relative; height: 110px;">  				<div class="sprite toon"></div>  			</div>  		</div>  		<div class = "grid_3">  			<button id = "new_game" onclick="newboard()">new game</button>  			<input type="button" id="pause" value="pause game" onclick="stopcount()">  			<p><br></p>  			<p><br></p>  			<p><br></p>  			<div class = "matches">  				<p>matches <br><span id = "matchnumber">0</span></p>  			</div>  		</div>  	</div>  	<footer> </footer>  </body>  </html>


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