ember.js - Ember-Data store.filter with async relationships -

i working on survey application , using existing api. our models like:

app.user = ds.model.extend({   name: ds.attr('string'),   participations: ds.hasmany('participation', {async: true}) });  app.participation = ds.model.extend({   user: ds.belongsto('user', {async: true}),   survey: ds.belongsto('survey', {async: true}),   hascompleted: ds.attr('boolean'),   hasaccepted: ds.attr('boolean') });  app.survey = ds.model.extend({   participations: ds.hasmany('participation', {async: true}),   title: ds.attr('string'),   locked: ds.attr('boolean') }); 

i return live record array model hook via store.filter filter needs deal both survey's , async participant record current user. how can handle async relation resolution in filter callback function?

  model: function() {     return ember.rsvp.hash({       user: this.store.find('user', 1),       surveys: this.store.filter('survey', {}, function(survey) {         return !survey.get('locked'); //how participation record current user current poll can filter out completed true       })     });   } 

if using live record array of survey's not best way deal is?

edit: i've updated approach try:

app.surveysroute = ember.route.extend({   model: function() {     return ember.rsvp.hash({       user: this.store.find('user', 1),       all: this.store.find('survey'),       locked: this.store.filter('survey', function(survey) {         return survey.get('locked');       }),       completed: this.store.filter('participation', {user: 1}, function(participation) {         return participation.get('hascompleted');       }),       outstanding: this.store.filter('participation', {user: 1}, function(participation) {         return !participation.get('hascompleted') && !participation.get('poll.locked');       })     });   } }); app.surveyscompletedroute = ember.route.extend({   model: function() {     return this.modelfor('surveys').completed.mapby('survey');   } }); 


however, usage of async property participation.get('poll.locked') in filter pose potential problem?

had written response in es6 , ember-cli format, while localising ember references... please excuse if touch basic reverted es5 , used commonly understood code structure ember.

try this:

// beforemodel() , model() skipped if coming collection // ie: '/users' '/users/1' // setting purely direct linking route's path. model: function(params) {     return this.store.findrecord('user', params.id).then(function(user) {         return user.get('participations');     }); },  // fired once!  // obsolete... setupcontroller: function(controller, model) {     controller.set('model', model);      var store  = this.store,         userid, availsurveys, completed, outstanding;      store  = this.store;     userid = model.get('id');      // promise!     // also, these filters can applied elsewhere store available!     availsurveys = store.filter(         // modelname filtered.                     'surveys',         // part query - sent request server, not used filter                      { locked: false },         // active filter applied survey records in client,          // updating 'availsurveys' records change                     function(survey) {                         return !survey.get('locked');                     });      completed = store.filter('participation',                      {                          user         : userid,                         hascompleted : true                     },                      function(participation) {                         return participation.get('hascompleted');                     });      outstanding = store.filter('participation',                      {                          user         : userid,                         hascompleted : false,                         survey       : { locked: false }                     },                      function(participation) {                         // promise!                         return participation.get('survey').then(function(survery) {                             return !participation.get('hascompleted') && !survey.get('locked');                         });                     });      // alternatively, hashsettled waits until promises in hash have resolved before continuing     ember.rsvp.hash({         availsurveys : availsurveys,         completed    : completed,         outstanding  : outstanding     }).then(function(hash) {         controller.set('availsurveys', hash.availsurveys);         controller.set('completed',    hash.completed);         controller.set('outstanding',  hash.outstanding);     }); } 


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