ios - animation completion called immediately completion -

i confused lot .

this condition normal when value yes animation action . state when no value completion called immediately.

i not know if there difference between 2 .

- (void)setdimview : (uiview*)targetview state:(bool)state {     cgrect screenrect = [[uiscreen mainscreen] bounds];     uiview *dim = [[uiview alloc]initwithframe:screenrect];     dim.tag = tag;     if (state)     {        dim.alpha = 0.0;     }       [uiview transitionwithview:dim duration:0.5 options:uiviewanimationoptioncurveeaseout animations:^ {         if (state)         {             [targetview sethidden:no];             [targetview addsubview:dim];              dim.backgroundcolor = [uicolor blackcolor];             dim.alpha = 0.6;         }         else         {             dim.alpha = 0.0;          }     }completion:^(bool finished) {         if (!state)         {             (uiview *subview in [targetview subviews])             {                 if (subview.tag == tag)                 {                     [subview removefromsuperview];                     [targetview sethidden:yes];                 }             }         }     }]; } 

this block working sequence first called animation block , completion block, if set animation no call completion.

i not getting why confused it?


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