Java - Tic Tac Toe - Why won't my "switch player" method work? -

why switchplayer() method work once? method should work independently fine, , when put inside playgame() method after placemark(), works continuously, messes currentplayer variable, messes other methods. not want make player object, assume missing simple, place switchplayer() method.

my result goes this:

  • currentplayer 1, place mark.
  • [places mark, good]
  • currentplayer 2, place mark.
  • [places mark, good]
  • currentplayer 2, place mark. // problem line.. doesn't switch
  • [places mark, good]

relevant code sub class:

public void playgame(){      assignnames();      assignmarks();      explaingame();      while(checkwin() == false && fullboard() == false){          getnum();          placemark();          printboard();       }      gameresult();  }   public void placemark(){      if(validnumber() == true){         if(num == 1){             board[0][0] = currentmark;             switchplayer();         }         if(num == 2){             board[0][1] = currentmark;             switchplayer();         }         if(num == 3){             board[0][2] = currentmark;             switchplayer();         }         if(num == 4){             board[1][0] = currentmark;             switchplayer();         }         if(num == 5){             board[1][1] = currentmark;             switchplayer();         }         if(num == 6){             board[1][2] = currentmark;             switchplayer();         }         if(num == 7){             board[2][0] = currentmark;                 switchplayer();         }         if(num == 8){             board[2][1] = currentmark;             switchplayer();         }         if(num == 9){             board[2][2] = currentmark;             switchplayer();         }       } }     public void switchplayer(){      if(currentmark == 'x')         currentmark = 'o';         else{             currentmark = 'x';         }       if(currentmark == 'o' && playermark1 == 'o'){         currentplayer = playername1;     }         else{             currentplayer = playername2;         } }  

relevant code main class:

    tictactoe game = new tictactoe();      game.playgame(); 

it seems though should post whole code... here is.

public class tictactoe {         private static char[][] board;         scanner input = new scanner(;         int num;         string entry;         string playername1;         char playermark1;         string playername2;         char playermark2;         char currentmark;         string currentplayer;   public void playgame(){      assignnames();      assignmarks();      explaingame();      while(checkwin() == false && fullboard() == false){          getnum();          placemark();          printboard();       }      gameresult();  }   public tictactoe(){      board = new char[3][3];     clearboard();         } // end tictactoe()   public void clearboard(){     for(int = 0; < 3; a++){         for(int b = 0; b < 3; b++){             board[a][b] = ' ';         }     } }// end clearboard()   public void printboard(){     system.out.println("-------------");      (int = 0; < 3; a++) {         system.out.print("| ");         (int b = 0; b < 3; b++) {             system.out.print(board[a][b] + " | ");         }         system.out.println();         system.out.println("-------------");     } }       public boolean fullboard() {          boolean full = true;          (int = 0; < 3; i++) {              (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {                  if (board[i][j] == ' ') {                  full = false;                 }             }         }         return full;     }       public void explaingame(){      system.out.println("-------------");     system.out.println("| 1 | 2 | 3 |");     system.out.println("-------------");     system.out.println("| 4 | 5 | 6 |");     system.out.println("-------------");     system.out.println("| 7 | 8 | 9 |");     system.out.println("-------------");     system.out.println("the above board shows numbers must enter place mark in respective locations.\n");     system.out.println("randomly assigning player marks. . .");     system.out.println(playername1+" player "+playermark1+", , "+playername2+" player "+playermark2 + ".");     system.out.println("player x go first.  press key begin playing.");     entry = input.nextline(); }   public void assignnames(){      system.out.println("enter name player 1.");         entry = input.nextline();         playername1 = entry;      system.out.println("enter name player 2.");         entry = input.nextline();         playername2 = entry; }   public void assignmarks(){      random rand = new random();     int = rand.nextint(2);      if( == 0 ){         playermark1 = 'x';         playermark2 = 'o';     }     else{              playermark1 = 'o';             playermark2 = 'x';     }      currentmark = 'x';      if(playermark1 == 'x')         currentplayer = playername1;     else         currentplayer = playername2; }   public void switchplayer(){      if(currentmark == 'x')         currentmark = 'o';         else{             currentmark = 'x';         }       if(currentmark == 'o' && playermark1 == 'o'){         currentplayer = playername1;     }         else{             currentplayer = playername2;         } }    public int getnum(){      system.out.println(currentplayer + ", place mark (1-9).");      num = input.nextint();      return num;     }   public boolean validspot(int num){      boolean goodspot = false;      if(num == 1 && board[0][0] == ' ')         goodspot = true;     if(num == 2 && board[0][1] == ' ')         goodspot = true;     if(num == 3 && board[0][2] == ' ')         goodspot = true;     if(num == 4 && board[1][0] == ' ')         goodspot = true;     if(num == 5 && board[1][1] == ' ')         goodspot = true;     if(num == 6 && board[1][2] == ' ')         goodspot = true;     if(num == 7 && board[2][0] == ' ')         goodspot = true;     if(num == 8 && board[2][1] == ' ')         goodspot = true;     if(num == 9 && board[2][2] == ' ')         goodspot = true;      if(goodspot == false){         system.out.println("input error.  make sure spot not taken.");     }      return goodspot; }   public boolean validrange(int num){      boolean goodrange = false;      if(num >= 1 && num <= 9 ){         goodrange = true;       }      if(goodrange == false){         system.out.println("input error.  make sure number between 1-9.");     }      return goodrange; }   public boolean validnumber(){      return ((validrange(num) && validspot(num))); }   public void placemark(){      if(validnumber() == true){         if(num == 1){             board[0][0] = currentmark;             switchplayer();         }         if(num == 2){             board[0][1] = currentmark;             switchplayer();         }         if(num == 3){             board[0][2] = currentmark;             switchplayer();         }         if(num == 4){             board[1][0] = currentmark;             switchplayer();         }         if(num == 5){             board[1][1] = currentmark;             switchplayer();         }         if(num == 6){             board[1][2] = currentmark;             switchplayer();         }         if(num == 7){             board[2][0] = currentmark;                 switchplayer();         }         if(num == 8){             board[2][1] = currentmark;             switchplayer();         }         if(num == 9){             board[2][2] = currentmark;             switchplayer();         }       } }   public boolean checkspot(char c1, char c2, char c3) {      return ((c1 != ' ') && (c1 == c2) && (c2 == c3));  }   public boolean checkwin() {      return (checkwinrows() || checkwincolumns() || checkwindiagonals()); }   public boolean checkwinrows() {      (int = 0; < 3; i++) {          if (checkspot(board[i][0], board[i][1], board[i][2]) == true) {              return true;         }     }     return false; }   public boolean checkwincolumns() {      (int = 0; < 3; i++) {          if (checkspot(board[0][i], board[1][i], board[2][i]) == true) {              return true;         }     }     return false; }   public boolean checkwindiagonals() {      return ((checkspot(board[0][0], board[1][1], board[2][2]) == true) || (checkspot(board[0][2], board[1][1], board[2][0]) == true)); }   public void gameresult(){      switchplayer();      if(checkwin()){          system.out.println("\ngame on -- " +currentplayer+ " wins! woo hoo!");     }      else if(fullboard()){          system.out.println("\ngame on -- draw!");     } }   } // end tictactoe 


 if(currentmark == 'o' && playermark1 == 'o') 



your code doesn't work because changes player 1 when both current mark = 0 , player1 mark = 0. is, works when player 1 assigned "o" in beginning of game.

hope helps.


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