rust - Read a single line from stdin -

how can read single line stdin in rust? i'm asking equivalent of fgets() in c.

let line = ...; println!("you entered: {}", line); 

note: read how read user input in rust?, asks how read multiple lines, want 1 line. saw how read single string standard input?, i'm not sure if behaves fgets() or sscanf("%s",...).

in how read user input in rust? answer, can see how iterate on lines.

use std::io::bufread;  let stdin = io::stdin(); line in stdin.lock().lines() {     println!("{}", line.unwrap()); } 

you can manually iterate without for-loop:

let stdin = io::stdin(); let mut iterator = stdin.lock().lines(); let line1 =; let line2 =; 

you cannot one-liner want. following gets single line (and same answer in how read single string standard input?):

let stdin = std::io::stdin(); let line1 = stdin.lock().lines().next().unwrap().unwrap(); 

you can use text_io crate super simple input:

#[macro_use] extern crate text_io;  fn main() {     // reads until \n encountered     let line: string = read!("{}\n"); } 


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