java - Android - How to combine two ArrayLists -

i have got 2 arraylists, created parsed html. first 1 contains jobs , like

job job b job c 

and second 1 like

company company b company c 

what need combination of job , company , on, can results (an arraylist great)

job : company job b : company b job c : company c 

i didn't find clear tutorial or something. ideas?

are sure looking @ correct data structure achieve this?

why not use map? can define key/value relationship going route.

map<company, job> jobmap = new hashmap<company, job>(); jobmap.put("company a" /* or corresponding list item */, "job a" /* or corresponding list item */); 

you may this: (swap out strings fit implementation)

map<company, list<job>> jobmap...; list<job> joblist = new arraylist<job>(); joblist.add("job a"); joblist.add("job b"); joblist.add("job c"); jobmap.put("company a", joblist); 

what define company key , can set multiple jobs company


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